Tuesday, April 19, 2016

*Update* on Project Proposal: Kozmohs.

Not so long ago I got the small tiny idea to perhaps, maybe one day, start my own online magazine. The thought was so sudden, but it made sense to me. For my final project, I have decided to create a tumblr blog dedicated to young teens, primarily girls starting high school and providing them with content that not only is enjoyable, but also educational.

It will be on kozmohs.tumblr.com (there really isn't anything there yet, as it is a work in progress) but I got the word, cosmos, because according to the dictionary it means, "the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system." Something about the definition made me think of this ideal society where we were all somehow equal to each other and just lived in harmony. I'm not sure if it makes a lot of sense, but it made sense to me. Truthfully, I also just liked the word and the spelling of it sort of stripped it away from its own definition and can now be associated with other things. I also wanted something that was unique and one-worded so it rolls off the tongue and can be easily branded/recognizable. But the name of it is not as important as the content of the blog.

I have been thinking about how I can continue with this project after this class is over. This project was inspired by Rookie Mag created by Tavi Gevinson who is actually my age. She got tired of not finding content that really appealed to teenagers the way she thought they should, and who knows the mind of a teenager better than a teenager? She started the magazine when she was just 13 years old! Her motivation and creative mind really inspires me to do the same, or at least something similar and unique to me. I'm starting small. I'm starting with a blog.

The blog I have decided will have a different topic each month (this is probably subject to change, but for now, it'll be a monthly topic) I have decided that I'll be presenting to the class this month's topic of body image and how the media can really mess a young girls' mind. They twist and contort the idea of "beauty" and make it the most important thing in their life. I want young girls on tumblr to find my blog and read that it's okay to be chubby and fat. It's okay to not be curvy in the right places. It's okay to be "flat" and not have any curves at all! I want them to read about my own personal story about my body insecurities (that have not disappeared and that this is still a journey for me). I want the teen girls to find this blog and look at the different type of posts that are similar to the ones I read when I started entering the world of feminism.

I want to include videos, photographs, writings, artwork, anything really, that spread the message that it's okay to not look like the constant images we see in the media. I want to give them my definition of beauty and that, as cliche as this sounds, it all comes from within.

This blog will be a space where I can share my thoughts on what I have learned so far being a feminist and to reiterate, this months topic will be the one I have the most to say about, body image and the word "Beautiful". I will try to get other people to write and share their own thoughts on being a woman (or a man) and their views on body image, if not for this month's topic, than hopefully some other time in the future.

I was even thinking about making a small video of me interviewing my sister and asking her questions around this topic as well, not only would that be interesting to watch, considering the fact she's 9 years old, but it's so we can see how young girls start to feel insecure about themselves, or if they have some skewed idea of beauty. This is just to get different types of content flowing out of the blog, sort of like the way buzzfeed does it (another inspiration but purely for the structure of their site and brand, if that makes sense.)

This is my small stepping stone to what I hope (*fingers crossed*) will become something bigger someday. Any feedback is GREATLY appreciated!


  1. I really like the name xD
    Personally, I don't think you should limit your topics within a monthly time frame. I feel like it'll burn out your creativity when you place a criteria on your writing. I checked out Rookie Mag in your post; there appears to be no specific topics. Rather, various writers contribute to specific columns of the mag.
    I definitely think you should develop kozmohs in a similar fashion. You already have one column down; a space where you share your thoughts about body image.
    A cool idea I can suggest would be an episode analysis of popular media content. (This can be a daily/weekly thing with so many television shows airing; it can be new or old in my opinion). I was listening to the radio a few days ago and there had been a dispute about Arianna Grande's new MV (I haven't watched it myself so I can't provide much inputs). I think this can generate a lot of feedback (and debate) from your viewers, providing some sort of interactivity. I think it can also be flexible in a sense that you can view the media content under the lens of various topics you may like to cover in your magazine.

    Good lucks! ; )

  2. Similar to Smith, I love the name and the reasoning behind it! I really like the idea of the blog and I think its really necessary for the girls growing up around us. This speaks to me because I have a little sister also, and I want her to have resources like your blog to grow up feeling positive about hersel. I also agree with the above comment, I wish that it wasn't just monthly! Make it a weekly thing, it'll ensure a more consistent following.

  3. I agree with Smith and Nida on not limiting the posts to once a month, I think there will definitely be a demand for more frequent articles and discussions.
    Are you going to keep it strictly a tumblr blog? Are you planning on expanding to other social media? How would you promote this blog initially to gain a larger audience?

    I really like that you said you would try to get others to contribute to the blog - I feel like the more people there are to share their experiences, the better - and I noticed that you said "thoughts on being a woman (or a man)" which is great! I think it's incredibly important to have a male perspective, especially for teenagers. This could definitely help adolescent boys and girls understand that they don't have to be pigeonholed by society's gender norms. Giving both boys and girls a safe space to discuss their experiences together, instead of separately, is a great idea.

  4. I love this idea! Young girls need a lot of attention when it comes to women's issues. It is important to teach them about body positivity at such a critical time in growing up. I also love Tavi Gevinson! That aspect of your project is similar to mine, I'm making a zine. I think Tumblr is such a cool platform for so many different things. I look forward to seeing your project and all of the different media you will use.
