Creating your
own media: A cultural intervention
My final Project
will focus on how subliminal advertising, or advertising in general, has affected unconsciously the
audience’s behavior. Starting with the effects that exposing children to media
has, as well as the allowance that parents nowadays give to their kids to watch
television, and concluding with the relationship that media establishes between
women and advertising. In summary, I would focus on how media represents the woman’s
image and how is this taken by early ages’ audience and the consequences that
this has on their behavior if it’s not well controlled y adults.
To begin my research
for this project I will focus on finding a variety of actual
advertisements that are or could affect the audience the most. I find very
important that, as observed by reading different articles mostly in class, advertisements’
main objective is to seduce basically women and children.
I have two ideas
to elaborate this project. The first one is basically by doing a research paper
and add pictures of images that have made a negative change or tried to change women’s
behaviors in society (children and adults). On the other hand, I have come up
with the idea of creating a short media piece, a video, analyzing little girl’s
reactions to ideals that media and irresponsible parents have let their children
to be exposed to nowadays. Which I would like to complement with some adult women’s
answers to basic questions related to how women are portrayed and what their
reactions are and analyze it as well afterwards.
I also have in
mind that recording children is probably going to be pretty inaccessible, so if
that doesn’t work for my project I would combine the two ideas that I have in mind and create a short video of just women talking about their roles in society and how they would define their childhood as females as well as growing up.
Some of the resources that I will use for my research:
If you were leaning towards creating a video using children for research you might come across issues with publishing.
There are many issues with using children for research and having them recorded. You might want to consider this
or make sure you have written consent forms, Hunter's research department has plenty of resources.