Monday, March 21, 2016

Final Project Proposal

     My project will be on sex trafficking I will be writing a paper and/or article in regards to my
findings, experience and current status with the girls that is or coming out of that “life.” Human trafficking is one of the most degrading means of treating people, their life experiences and what they are exposed to can leave people feeling left and abandonment. I referred to people, because women are not the only sex that has been affected in trafficking, but my focus will be on women trafficking and traffickers. The reason I chose sex trafficking, because I don’t want another girl to think they are alone in that experience, when people go through traumatic experiences they believe that no one else is experiencing that same form of trauma in their lives.  
     I’m learning how can I publish my finding to a broader audiences, but I will be posting my final findings on every social media I personally have. I have an organization that I have been volunteering
with for years that teaches women and teens about the first signs on domestic violence within colleges and high schools which has agreed to use my finding to inform their audience as well. I have been giving my life to rid violence against women for over 15 years in different forms, from volunteering to meeting with elected officials to make a change, I will be using this experience to make people aware of the human trafficking that is happening right here in the United States, while the United States focus on human trafficking in the world.
     In the process of doing my final project in Sex Trafficking I decided to go work with an organization in Philadelphia and Baltimore on assisting girls out of the “street life.” I decided to do my project on Sex Trafficking, because of a young lady I took into my home, she was trafficked from California to New York City and sold to the highest bidder, when I found out her age I realized she was the same age as my youngest child. In the process of helping her get home to her family, I came across this organization that assist young girls get off the street. One organization that was a great deal of help for her and me were
     Liveyourdream gave me a great deal of information and a contact person at National Human Trafficking Resources Center which intern assisted me with getting the young lady home. Statically the United States have the highest number of human trafficking than anywhere else in the world. That was a shock to me to find out that Baltimore had the highest number of sex slaves in the whole country all together. So I have decided to take my final project on the road and do field work with assisting young ladies off the street. I do my field work on the weekends; I’ve already started the process. I attended three group meetings those far and met two girls that we are trying to help off the street, one of the girls were only 12 years old.

     Sex trafficking is no longer this thing that women are experiencing in this faraway place. Especially, to know that we are experiencing the problem right here in a country that has so much wealth and means of ridding this issue, but pretends that this is not a problem. So, my final project will be on my prospective of actual field work on sex trafficking, I will be attending group session with girls that has already been rescued, actually go out and track girls on the street to encourage them to get out or assisting and teaching them safer methods in what they are doing, but most of all to ensure that every woman and child is safe and not in harm's way.

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