My final project is an argumentative blog post about the existence of patriarchy and the true purpose of feminism. Now, we all know that to most people, the word “feminism” will make everyone upset and make them ignore this, so initially I had disguised it as a confused person who is asking the internet questions about society that only feminists would know the answers to. Stuff like why women wear makeup, tight clothes, etc. It is through these questions written in a talking-like way I hope the reader will wonder about the questions themselves. Now, I don’t want them to answer these questions for me, I continually ask questions to make sure that they relate and are very curious about them, then about halfway through, I come clean and tell the reader that I already know the answer and that my questions were to hook them. I then tell the readers the fault of my societal questions: patriarchy.
After I introduce patriarchy, I think I will have the reader hooked, so they will not immediately click
The real identity of feminism has been perverted, making most
believe that they are judgmental bullies |
out of reading. I explain the basics of it, its effects, and so on. Then I delve into one of the worse issues that patriarchy causes, college student rape, because I think it is the biggest piece of evidence that patriarchy exists. I get the statistics and explain it is due to the ideas of patriarchy, expecting men to be sexual promiscuous and violent and women to control all sexual activity that comes their way. This is so the reader may understand how bad patriarchy can get.
The real purpose of feminism is to
acknowledge that things aren't fair |
It is after that I tell people the proper way to think, so to speak. I explain the way we conquer patriarchy is to think with true equality, not placing any standards on people or thinking in prejudiced way. It is here that I introduce that this way of thinking is to be think like a feminist. The idea of feminism is to acknowledge the existing prejudices of people and think in spite of it. I explain that a while ago, feminism was about middle class women fighting for equal pay, which was effectively shut down and branded as angry women. And that brand has stuck through the times and sticks with this new feminism today. I give the correct definition of feminism as a movement for equality and transparency of prejudices among all races and genders. I also explain how feminists go about viewing life, by examining what the media shows us as beautiful and what we, in turn, perceive it to be, when in reality we should have control over that.
So yeah, basically my essay turned blog post is based around predicting the reader’s actions. I
One of the ideas of feminism I tackle
is acknowledging what the media deems
as beautiful |
disguise it as questions to get the reader hooked, I try to immediately put the proper definitions of patriarchy and feminism as soon as I mention them to help the reader understand, I mention college rape statistics to get the reader to understand the real costs, and things like that. It’s all for the purpose of converting people to feminism. In the future, if I find an unusual amount of time on my hands, I will write another long blog post about race, or perhaps some other prejudice.
I figured out long ago that we, as feminists, have an advantage over others, we are very aware of things that go on in the back of our minds that influence our actions and opinions. It is through this knowledge that I can continually reel people in and reveal the truth about patriarchy. As long as I can get people to relate to me, I think I can be successful in convincing readers in this essay and others.I hope to replicate the experience that I've had in this class time and time again, where we've addressed completely normal things and given me a new perspective.
Works Cited:
“Fewer Than One-Third Of Campus Sexual Assault Cases Result In Expulsion”. Kingkade, Tyler. The Huffington Post. 2014
“1 in 4 Women Experience Sex Assault on Campus”. PÉREZ-PEÑA, Richard. The New York Times. 2015
“Evolutionary Psychology and Feminism”. Schmitt, David. Buss, David. 2011
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